Excessive Plus 24/7 Server
Game:Q3 ExcessivePlus Mod
Web Site:Excessive Plus 24/7
Quote:Keep on Fraggin!
Player StatsHistorical StatsGame StatsAward StatsSkins:
Award Stats
Awards List
Best Killer with BFG Lamar
Best Killer with Gauntlet Angoliant
Best Killer with Grenade Launcher ExcessivePlayer
Best Killer with Lightning gun ExcessivePlayer
Best Killer with Machine gun >XAF<^TRashkickER
Best Killer with Plasma gun RUSTY
Best Killer with Rail gun Joe_HeLL
Best Killer with Rocket Launcher FragenStein
Best Killer with Shot gun Swift
Best Killer with Suicide Frag ExcessivePlayer
Best Killer with Telefrag ExcessivePlayer
Mega Slut ExcessivePlayer
Quad Whore M*O*S*H
Regen Romper Shotglass
Best Efficiency Joe_HeLL
Best Killer Joe_HeLL
Highest Kill Streak ExcessivePlayer
Award Listing for Best efficiency (top 100)
#CountryPlayer Name Kills   Deaths   Efficiency 
1FRJoe_HeLL35 3 0.8974
3US>XAF<^TRashkickER241 93 0.7194
4USAngoliant365 169 0.6822
5EUM*O*S*H56 28 0.6588
6USExcessivePlayer88 53 0.6197
7RUExcessivePlayer169 104 0.6168
8CZSwift14 8 0.6087
9USLamar70 48 0.5882
10USTr4sH-P4nd449 34 0.5833
11USExcessivePlayer26 20 0.5532
12USExcessivePlayer7 5 0.5385
13DE=ACIDBURN=21 18 0.5250
14USFragenStein63 57 0.5207
15USRUSTY54 49 0.5192
16USFragenStein28 29 0.4828
17BRExcessivePlayer7 8 0.4375
18BYExcessivePlayer15 21 0.4054
19USStinky Pinhead17 24 0.4048
20USExcessivePlayer16 24 0.3902
21USsxiixsy15 23 0.3846
22TRExcessivePlayer24 43 0.3529
23USExcessivePlayer5 27 0.1515
24USShotglass1 11 0.0769
25USadidaswax0 0 0.0000
26MA(*WASP*HE▲VENX)0 3 0.0000
27CWExcessivePlayer0 0 0.0000
28PLExcessivePlayer0 2 0.0000
 VSP Stats Processor © 2004-2005 by Myrddin     modified by evilru for the Q3 and OA E+ Communities
 Theme : Bismarck by Myrddin   ExcessivePlus Community version 0.45-xp-1.1.2, last updated @ 2024-07-19 15:46:24 skin : cyber by Cyber.JTR.FUKK 
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